Monday, February 25, 2008

Majoring in housewife

Sometimes, looking at someone's Facebook profile can tell you a lot about them, like when you see one of your friends has listed Spice World as one of their all time favorite movies.

Other times, Facebook can tell you a lot about an entire generation, like the fact that there’s an entire group on Facebook called Future Housewives @ FAU and there’s almost 40 members.

The description of the group that is listed directly from Facebook:

“This is for all the girls who are going to FAU to get their M.R.S Degree, or if they are going to get a degree and then be a house wife.”

For those of you who have never heard the phrase getting your MRS degree it means that a woman goes to college to find a husband and become a Mrs. This was a popular phrase back in the 1950's and 1960's when women were expected to get married and not have a career.

The idea that the only benefit of college is to meet someone that might support you for the rest of your life is a concept that I thought had long been extinct, but sadly, it seems like it's still alive and kicking.

Last semester, a professor of mine asked how many of the women in class planned on staying home and not working after college.

Not one woman raised her hand.

So when a friend of mine said that she was sick of dealing with all the girls in her elementary education classes that didn’t plan on having a career after college, I was really confused. I just didn’t think college girls thought that way anymore.

My friend looked at me and said, “You can’t throw a sandal down the breezeway without hitting a future housewife on the head.”

Maybe she was exaggerating, but after doing some research, there are plenty of young women who plan on getting a degree, staying home and raising children for the rest of their lives.

Along with the FAU facebook group there are at least five other global groups (groups that students from all different universities can join) with the same concept I’m here for my MRS degree. There’s even a group for Yale University called I came to Yale to get my MRS. degree but am failing miserably.

Sure, a Facebook group might not mean much. And sure, it's possible that a few of these women are only members of this group as a joke. But for all the young women who actually plan on being more than a wife and mother and for all the women who never had the chance to be anything else, we should take a stand. So what's the best way to fight against group like this? Just make fun of them.

MRS Course Listings (feel free to add to the list)

MRS 1100 Cooking in High Heels
MRS 1200 Staying Thin While Pregnant
MRS 2300 Turning Anger into a Smile
MRS 4300 Looking Pretty While Giving Birth
MRS 4600 Doing Your Husbands Laundry and Wearing Pearls
MRS 4300 Attracting the Mailman


Anonymous said...

Just a bunch of skanks that want to get nailed. I agree with the throwing a sandal down the breezway comment of your friend.

Anonymous said...

urg god! I can't believe that is actually a group on facebook!

Anonymous said...

These girls are extremely stupid, and set back the achievements that women have made!

Believe me, they'll get a rude awakening when their MR leaves them for the much more interesting, sexy, and powerful female executive that works down the hall from him...and accompanies him on all those business trips to Europe.

Oh, and by the way, since they have virtually no work experience, these MRS women will be heading to the mall to compete for a job at Talbots, because, it may come as a shock, most family court judges agree that men should not have to give women a 'free ride.'

Get a clue, and an internship! We aren't living in the fifties anymore! Take a women's studies class and a business class and learn why you should focus on achieving your best in the job market, and sharing the responsibilities of raising a family and caring for a home with a partner that is your intellectual equal.