You wouldn’t be a true owl if you haven’t seen or done an inappropriate thing or two around the Boca Campus.
“I’ve seen used condoms all around campus” Katie Kendall, 28, Public Communication Major said “I think well at least they’re being safe”
A few weeks ago I saw a pair of underwear by the AL parking garage and I decided to investigate. I asked 25 students about the most popular places around campus to hook up. Whether your roommate’s home or you’re just trying to spice things up where are the best and most popular places around FAU to make out or hook up?
Besides a dorm room the most popular place too hook up is in your car, but the real question is which parking lot? The most popular parking lot to hook up in is the parking lot next to the AL parking garage in front of the lake. PROS: always have the benefit of controlling the temperature and music selection. CONS: besides being a stereotype, the leg room is never ideal..
If you’re one of those been there done that types- the most unique place to hook up is, the laundry rooms in the residence halls- especially the student apartments. Be sure to pick one at the very far end of the apartments because they’re less likely to get used. Also make sure you stick to one side of the laundry room, so people can’t see you from the windows. PROS: All the tide and bounce make it smell pretty nice. CONS: someone could walk in at any old time with a handful of dirty clothes
If you’re shy or nervous about getting caught-there’s nothing wrong with grabbing a blanket and setting up by a lake. FAU has plenty of wooded lakeside areas that are ideal for a moonlit moment with your sweetie. PROS: chances are you’ll have total privacy. CONS: You might have to fight off giant man-eating-iguanas, snakes, mosquitoes or any other FAU wildlife..
When you’re trying to think of a public place to make out its hard not to think about the private study rooms in the Library. Although I haven't found anyone who has actually done it, at least admitted it,but almost everyone admitted they thought about it. PROS: automatic bragging rights for the rest of your life CONS: Where to begin. First, if someone walks in it won’t be just a student-chances are it will be an administrator of some kind and they won’t just laugh it off. Second the chances of getting caught are way beyond likely; they’re practically a sure thing. And getting shushed is never hot. .
A park bench can seem like a great place to score a few kisses, but some benches are better than others. The ones by the lake near the AL building are most likely the best because they’re low traffic areas, but keep in mind that these benches are in a heavily lit area. PROS: Very romantic and sweet CONS: Not a lot of privacy, and if you’re not careful about your bench selection your special moment could end up on video..
If you’re willing there are plenty of places to steal a moment or two- check out this stairwell, the area underneath is practically covered by all sides. PROS: It’s a safe bet that you’re almost sure to get away with, especially if you go there at night. CONS: Be prepared to battle off the creepy critters that have shacked up in the cesspool of mold under the cement.
This wouldn’t be a very good list if I didn’t include elevators. They can be a perfect spot for a quick place to lock lips. Choose a somewhat deserted elevator-trust me there are plenty on campus. The elevator to the Ritter art gallery in front of the Library is virtually untouched. That may be because it’s so old and the doors open so slowly it makes you feel like you’re in a scary movie. It would be a miracle if the thing actually works. But that’s not really your concern. PROS: Unless there’s a security camera it’s a pretty safe bet. CONS: You really could get stuck and instead of spending seven minutes in heaven you could be spending four hours with a person you don’t even like that much.
I know someone that's hooked up in the me it's happened!
Hookin up in the library room sounds hot - I've come close - that media room in the library 2nd floor late at night GOOD TIMES! These are good spots BUT you are uncovering all the secrets... We wouldn't want any extra cameras popping up to destroy FAU's fun-spots would we? That shot you took by the benches and trees looks creepy like a stalker could show up with a butcher knife any moment! And that photo of the laundry machine room - where is that? It looks like I left my socks on the floor and I have been looking for em
The library would be such a rad place to hook up in.
Whoever hooked up there is the luckiest person on campus.
Top 3 places to screw on campus:
1. Swimming pool
2. Owl Radio (While on-air)
3. The Zen Garden (nursing)
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